Mark Gibeault

Mark started his paddling habit as a nine-year-old in a canoe. Canoe tripping grew into an obsession with all types of paddling and all forms of paddle craft. Today, from his home on Manitoulin Island, he spends time paddling with family and building their collection of more than 30 canoes and kayaks. An avid marathon paddler he is always looking to refine the forward stroke and loves the efficiency of the Greenland Paddle, a shout-out to Traditional Indigenous Knowledge!  A teacher by trade and lifelong learner, he also collects paddling certifications. Amongst his collection, PC Level 3 Sea Kayak Skills and is a PC Level 2 Instructor and Kayak Rolling Instructor.


  • Paddle Canada Level-2 Sea Kayak Instructor
  • Paddle Canada Rolling Instructor
  • Paddle Canada Level-3 Sea Kayak Skills